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Jacob has been living a less than ideal life. Loneliness and depression bottled up in his heart, making things unbearable as days pass. One day, a careless mistake will end it all, but did it really? No one had expected this to happen, not even Jacob. Would he have tried to save himself from this tragedy or would he have done it all the same?

Non place/ non space. Our team’s interpretation of this term is the non-existence of a physical place/space. The story revolves around a boy, within the span of 2 days. The boy, Jacob goes about his daily life in these 2 similar but very different days. On the “first day” in the video, we will take a look into the personal life of Jacob, showing his mundane lifestyle and relationship with his peers. On the “second day” in the video, the events will be exactly the same, however this is where the non-place will come into play. Certain signs will show that Jacob is in fact being totally disregarded throughout the day.

Even though his actions, his surroundings are the same, the only thing that’s changed is that he no longer exists in the physical setting. Placeless-ness is a lack of sense of belonging to a space of place, which is what Jacob will experienced on the second day. It will not be revealed how or why Jacob is being treated in this manner in the video. Instead, subtle hints and signs will be put in, to help the audience try & piece together the occurrence.

The 3 key ideas of the film is the symbolism of objects that hint at what is really happening. To express the feeling of displacement in the main character. Jacob is not able to fully experience being at a space/ place. Therefore he will be bound to feel a sense of loss. In order to be able to fully BE in a space, you have to be able to experience & interact with that space and everything in it. If not, what is to say that what you are experiencing is real? That in fact the mind is an incredible tool when it comes to imagination.

The lecture we have chosen to connect the film’s key ideas to, is from “Spatial hierarchy and space and the eye of the camera”.

And finally, the main idea we want to express through the film is to show the existence of an intangible place that is the mind & that this concept of a “non-place” is actually more complicated in a sense that you could be at a place but not actually are. Non-places in a sense is something perceived by people, it is never definite and ever changing, just like a person’s perception and of one’s own consciousness. There is a lack of connection from one’s mind and physical world, thus making it a space in a non-place.

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